There are a number of factors that can be attributed to the health problems of the UK organisations including poor diets, obesity, and workplace stress amongst others.
Although the government must play their part in promoting and educating individuals to lead healthier lifestyles, employers and employees also have a role to play. For individuals it means taking a more proactive approach and responsibility for their own health and lifestyle choices whilst employers must go beyond their legal ‘duty of care’.
An increasing number of organisations are implementing Health & Wellbeing Programmes in the workplace. Until now these initiatives have been regarded as ‘perks’ or employee benefits but the health and wellbeing of an organisation’s employees is of paramount importance for future success and growth. Employee health is fast becoming a ‘factor of production’ with the government and economists arguing that these issues need to be addressed as seriously as research & development, marketing & advertising and technology. The bottom line is that the business benefits of a healthy workforce mean reduced sickness and higher productivity.
Employee Health Screening is widely regarded as the main focal point of a Health & Wellbeing Programme as it gives results in key baseline data and provides a snap shot of the organisations current health levels. Not only does onsite health screening offer significant reward to both employee and employer by identifying potential health issues early but it also allows you the opportunity to take a proactive approach to health and wellbeing by planning an effective programme around the results. What you can measure, you can improve!
Investing in Employee Health Screening will also show your commitment in your employee’s health and wellbeing. Successful Health Screening can significantly reduce absenteeism and staff turnover whilst leading to improved morale and productivity. Given the fact that the average worker takes 8.5 days sickness per year, an on-going investment in employee wellbeing can have a positive impact and reduce these figures giving you a more productive and motivated workforce.