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The rise in diabetes is causing a 'national health emergency'

Diabetes is becoming a “national health emergency” in Britain with thousands of new cases diagnosed every week.  This is according to an audit by the charity Diabetes UK which has also warned that this in turn could lead to a rise in amputations and kidney failure.

The number of people who already have the disease is creeping up to nearly 4 million people  and more than one third of the population have borderline diabetes.  Add to this the new figure that indicates more than 280,000 people every year are having to learn that they have the condition every year.

Every day 738 new cases of the obesity-linked type 2 diabetes are discovered, causing the great public health concern because of its link to an unhealthy diet and lifestyle. 

Healthy Performance provide ‘Mini Health MOT’s’ to more detailed options of health screenings and can provide employees and companies alike with an overview of their diabetes status.

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