We all make New Year resolutions with enthusiasm, optimism and positivity but rarely do they make it past the end of the month. In fact, research has revealed that the average length of time for sticking to a resolution is just 24 days, with only 3% likely to maintain them for 12 months.
Why do so many resolutions fail?
It’s probably because they are unrealistic to start with or too complicated. When setting any goal it is important to keep in mind the following criteria, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound. Make your goals SMART.
You will be much more likely to succeed if the goal is well thought-out to start with. The most common New Year’s resolutions are – lose weight, exercise more and stop smoking. All admirable and worthy and approved of by all here at Healthy Performance Towers, but they are all a little lacking in detail. Apply the SMART criteria and ‘Hey Presto’, you have workable goals! ‘Lose 2lb per week, every week for 2 months’ or ‘Attend Zumba class once a week each week for 6 months’ and ‘Reduce cigarettes to 5 a day by the end of February 2017’, are much SMARTer goals and get better results!
To help your employees, why not hold a workshop or promotion in your workplace to keep staff motivated and on-track? And don’t forget that there are many great health and wellbeing awareness days throughout the year that you can get involved with to help with your resolutions. If you’d like a copy of our 2018 Health & Wellbeing Calendar, or would like some help with your workplace wellbeing initiatives, please contact us via the website, call us on 0800 170 1777 or email us at team@healthyperformance.co.uk