Covid-19 antigen testing
Get a regular early warning testing system in place to support and protect your employees
What is Covid-19 antigen testing?
Our Covid-19 (coronavirus) antigen testing detects the presence of the virus that causes the Covid-19 disease allowing workplaces and employees to act quickly, reducing the spread within the workplace. Our Covid-19 antigen test is different to the NHS test – our test is based on detecting the presence of the protein coating of the coronavirus, whereas the NHS test is based on detecting the presence of the coronavirus RNA.
Our test can be conducted on everyone regardless of whether they are showing any symptoms, whereas the NHS test is only available to those people displaying symptoms. The results of the NHS test are based on growing the sample in the lab to detect the RNA which takes time, however our test results can given in just 15 minutes because we are testing for the presence of the protein coating.
Why is Covid-19 antigen testing essential for your business?
Having an ongoing testing system in place allows you to reduce the exposure that your staff have to the Covid-19 virus. Our test means that asymptomatic individuals can be quickly identified and so begin their 10-day isolation period, keeping the rest of your employees safe. This is important for those people not showing any symptoms as they could be unknowingly spreading the virus not just in the workplace, but also amongst their own friends and family.
We recommend that our Covid-19 antigen testing is conducted on a regular basis, ideally every two weeks, enabling detection of those who are carrying the virus and test positive to quickly self-isolate and so minimising the spread and impact on business.
Employees can therefore feel more safe and secure with the knowledge that those people who test positive, but are not displaying any symptoms, will be isolating and away from the workplace.
Why choose us?
Our onsite Covid-19 antigen testing is conducted at your place of work and we can cover single or multiple locations.
Test has sensitivity of 99.68% and specificity of 96.52%*
Approved for use across Europe and Asia
World Health Organisation approved test
Detects the virus even if no symptoms
Nasal swab test
Results in just 15 minutes
Carried out by healthcare professionals who follow strict PPE processes and protocols in line with Public Health England

*Source: Multi institute, randomised, single-blinded studies conducted at trial sites during the 2020 SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Further details available on request.
How does the onsite testing work?
Our onsite Covid-19 antigen testing system is easy to implement within the workplace. Here’s how the system works:

Utilise our ‘register interest’ service to gauge internal interest and understand the cost to your business

Make use of our marketing material to internally promote the testing event and maximize attendance

Employees choose an appointment time slot via our online booking system

Our qualified healthcare professional attends on the day of appointments and carries out the testing procedure*

Employees receive their results via email with tailored information on what they should do next

If a positive test is returned, employees must immediately notify their line manager and begin their 10-day self-isolation period
We recommend that onsite testing takes place on a fortnightly basis to create an early warning system and providing employees with added reassurance about coming into the workplace.
*The testing procedure is a simple, pain free process in which a swab sample is obtained from the nose using a long cotton bud. This can sometimes feel a bit uncomfortable but we try to make it as easy as possible. This is then combined with a solution and applied to a test cassette. The test detects the presence of a specified virus protein and provides the results in approximately 15 minutes.
Important information for employers and employees
It is really important that employers and employees understand the impact of positive results and the impact that it may have on the workplace and the need for self-isolation. We have created a handy flow chart to show what needs to happen for those people who do test positive.
A positive result means that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was found in the sample. It is likely that the individual will develop Covid-19 symptoms and may feel unwell. It is essential that they immediately self-isolate at home for a minimum of 10 days because they will be contagious even if symptoms do not occur.
If symptoms do occur, they must:
– Contact the NHS to obtain another Covid-19 test
– Contact people that they’ve been in close contact with and advise them that they have symptoms (people who have been in close contact do not need to self-isolate unless they are contacted by the NHS Test and Trace service)
– They must start another 10 days of self-isolation from the day that their symptoms began.
If they do not experience any symptoms within the 10 day self-isolation period, then the individual can return to the workplace.
Those in their household must also self-isolate for 14-days. If they develop any symptoms during this time, they must contact the NHS for a Covid-19 test and start a new 10-day isolation period.
A negative result means that they are highly unlikely to have the virus that causes Covid-19. They should continue to adhere to social distancing rules and strict hygiene practices as per the guidance from Public Health England. If they start to experience any Covid-19 symptoms, they must self-isolate and contact the NHS for a Covid-19 test.
An invalid result means that the test did not run successfully, and no results was obtainable. In this situation a retest is advised. All appropriate social distancing and strict hygiene practices should be adhered to.
If they start to experience any Covid-19 symptoms please self-isolate and contact the NHS test and trace service or phone NHS 119, as soon as possible.
Covid-19 main symptoms include: a high temperature, loss or change to sense of taste or smell, a new continuous cough.
Detection of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes the COVID-19 disease has implications for the entire workforce and wider general public and as such we are duty bound to disclose positive, negative and invalid results to your employer.
Please refer to our Privacy Policy for information relating to all other forms of personal data we collect or that you provide to us.
The main symptoms include:
– A high temperature
– Loss or change in sense of taste and/or smell
– A new, continuous cough
Further information can be found on the NHS website.
This private testing service is independent of the national testing program. This test is for individuals that are not showing symptoms while the national testing program is for those who have Covid-19 symptoms.
A positive result will mean that you have the SARS-CoV-2 virus and must self-isolate to avoid spreading. Should you start to experience any symptoms while self-isolating please contact the NHS Test and Trace service or phone NHS 119, as soon as possible and follow the NHS advice.
Anyone you live with must also self-isolate for 14 days from when your symptoms started.
Request more information
Frequently Asked Questions
Whether or not you have the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes the disease Covid-19.
We will give you the results verbally at the time of the test and the results will also be emailed to you on the same day.
We will not contact your GP.
A positive test result will mean that you have the SARS-CoV-2 virus and must self-isolate for at least 10 days. Even without symptoms you can transmit the virus to others so self-isolation is very important.
A positive result will mean that you are carrying the virus and should self-isolate. If you live with others, all other household members need to stay at home and not leave the house for 14 days. The 14-day period starts from the day when the first person in the household became ill or if they do not have symptoms, from the day their test was taken. If anyone else in the household starts displaying symptoms, they need to stay at home for at least 10 days from when their symptoms appear, regardless of what day they are on in their original 14-day isolation period.
The antigen test is slightly different to the national testing program. The test can be performed on site without the need to send samples to a laboratory. The results are quicker and do not use up laboratory testing capacity.
Antigen testing detects the presence of a specific virus protein in a sample taken from the nose. A positive antigen test result is considered very accurate however there is the chance of a false-negative result, meaning it is possible to have the virus in the nose, but this is not detected by the test. A false-negative result can occur early on in an infection if the amount of virus is very small and therefore not present in the sample collection area.
False positive results are very unlikely with this test, only the presence of the virus in the swab sample can activate the positive result.
Clinical performance of positive samples (specificity) 96.52%
Clinical performance of negative samples (sensitivity) 99.68%
A swab sample is obtained from your nose using a long cotton bud, this is then combined with a solution and applied to a test cassette. The test detects the presence of a specific virus protein. The results will be obtained in around 10-15 minutes.
This antigen test can detect the presence of the virus that causes the Covid-19 disease. Taking the test can allow a person to act quickly to stop the spread of the disease. This test is used with individuals that have no symptoms so can stop the virus spreading from people who do not know they are carrying it.
The procedure may be a little uncomfortable but should not cause you any pain. It is common to become teary following a nasal swab.
There are no side effects from having the sample taken but the collection procedure may feel a little uncomfortable. It is common to become teary following a nasal swab.
Our trained health care professionals will conduct the test following strict PPE processes and protocols in line with Public Health England.