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4 in 10 people do not think skin cancer in deadly

A new poll has revealed a worrying gap in the knowledge of skin cancer that, four in ten people do not think skin cancer in deadly.  Also over half of people do not think the most deadly form of the cancer can spread.
Skin cancer affects 100,000 people each year and this apparent public ‘ignorance’ over the dangers has left health officials concerned about the lack of understanding over the disease.
Just 36% of people questioned by the British Skin Foundation (BSF) said they checked their skin for moles and changes that can indicate skin cancer.  The same number said they did not know what they were looking for.
Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the UK, and rates continue to rise. The disease kills over 2,500 people each year in the UK – that’s seven people every day.
The BSF has launched a skin cancer research fundraising campaign called It Takes 7.

Please read the full article here:–but-four-in-ten-people-dont-think-so-9202240.html

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