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Remote Worker Wellbeing

Easy to implement, cost-effective online solutions to prioritise employee wellbeing and drive employee engagement. No matter what the location.

There is no doubt that working remotely is very different to being in your normal working environment and this can bring both benefits and challenges. 

Whilst working from home offers greater flexibility and can fit nicely around an employees personal circumstances, there’s always a risk that people may fall into bad habits. This can include being easily distracted, moving less, snacking more, and blurring the lines between home/work life. These factors can impact an employees productivity, physical and mental health.

That’s why it is critical that we put the right support mechanisms in place to ensure staff remain engaged with the business and have sufficient knowledge to ‘do the right things’ to protect their overall health and wellbeing. According to the Office of National Statistics in 2019 there were approximately 1.5 million people who work remotely across the UK  however this number has completely changed due to the Coronavirus. 

Would you like some free wellbeing tips to share with your remote workers?

Key tools to help support the health and wellbeing of your remotely based workforce.

Measure wellbeing, online, anytime.

MyWellbeingCheck is an online lifestyle assessment tool which assesses habits and behavioural change. Taking just 5-6 minutes to complete, the assessment tool provides employees with a personalised dashboard and report covering: Movement and Sitting, Stress, Nutrition, Sleep, Alcohol & Smoking, Cardiovascular and Resistance Training.

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Built on validated stress management standards, Pascal® is an innovative mental health support platform.

Our innovative online mental health platform Pascal, allows organisations and their employees to measure home and work pressure, ensures companies comply with HSE regulations and employment law, and importantly, provides employees with more support surrounding mental health. 

remote worker wellbeing webinars
stress workshop for remote workers
activity based webinar for remote workers
nutrition for remote workers
sleep webinar for remote workers
general health webinar for remote workers
back care for remote workers webinar

Covering a wide range of topics our wellbeing webinars have been developed to support those who work from home. We have dedicated webinars for remote workers on topics such as back care, nutrition, activity and mental health full of actionable tips to teach new behaviours and to consolidate great working habits they have already developed.