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Learn How To
Reduce Your Body Fat

About Body Fat

There is a common misconception that all body fat is bad. In truth, some body fat is needed to protect the person’s health as well as supplying a reservoir of energy for performing various body functions. To better understand this, the total weight of body fat can be subdivided into three separate categories:

 Weight of “Essential Body Fat” – This amount of body fat is needed to protect the body from infectious diseases and to protect the internal organs from bruising damage.

Weight of “Reserve Body Fat” – The amount of additional body fat that does not cause any medical risks, and provides a reservoir of “fuel” for use by the body.

Weight of “Excess Body Fat” – The amount of body fat that is over and above the combination of Essential Body Fat plus Reserve Body Fat. Excess Body Fat causes the risk of serious health problems such as strokes, heart attacks, diabetes and certain forms of cancer.

how to reduce body fat
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