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Tesco set to stop sweets and chocolates being sold at all checkouts

Tesco to stop sweets and chocolates being displayed near checkouts

The supermarket giant Tesco has said that it will take away confectionery from near its tills by the end of the year after conducting research into the issue.

The larger Tesco stores have stopped selling sweets at checkouts for 20 years however, this move will see smaller stores moving sweets and chocolates away from it checkouts at its smaller stores in the UK.  This new initiative is an effort to help customers make healthier choices.
According to Tesco’s research, they found that over 60% of their customers questioned said removing confectionery from checkouts would help them make healthier choices.
Earlier this year Lidl announced that it too had introduced a policy to remove sweets and chocolates from checkouts for the same reasons cited by Tesco.
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