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Implementing a wellbeing strategy: avoid common mistakes

Introducing a wellbeing strategy in the workplace can be tricky and mistakes can often be expensive.  However, as the Office of National Statistics (ONS) reported that in 2013, 31 million days were lost due to sickness absences in the UK, organisations up and down the land are looking to implement health and wellbeing programmes to combat the costs of absenteeism.
Again, according to the ONS, there are over 30million UK employees in work and therefore, the workplace is the most significant setting to address lifestyle issues, chronic disease and promote wellbeing.

The benefits of health and wellbeing programmes are well documented.  However many companies that we speak to are often unsure how to implement an effective strategy and how they can engage with their employees.

Here is a Healthy Performance list of  common mistakes that we often see organisations make when implementing a wellbeing strategy:

Lack of research
Many companies do little or no initial research. How can you have make a dent with sickness absence if you don’t know what the actual company needs are?  The foundations have to be built and SMART goals need to be put in place.
No data
This is the biggest mistake that we see companies making. Organisations spend a lot of money on health and wellbeing initiatives but often have no metrics – what is the point if you can’t measure the difference it makes.  Gather as much data as you can.  Sickness absence data, number from your EAP, company data from an online health assessment tool and/or employee health checks.  This will help you to identify health and wellbeing ‘hotspots’ within your company.
Low Engagement
Healthy people tend to always participate in health and wellbeing initiatives, it is the unhealthy employees that you need to get onboard?  Consult with them and find out what motivates them.
No management involvement
Without doubt, the most successful wellbeing programmes that we have seen at HP Towers have the involvement and participation from all levels of management. The culture of an organisation will start from the top so ensure that management get involved and endorse employee participation.
Unrealistic initiatives
If your workforce that is involved in manual labour, providing exercise as the main part of your program will prove difficult. Arranging health eating days next to an unhealthy vending machines will be a fruitless exercise. Make it easy for employees to participate and make the right choices.
Implementing a health and wellbeing strategy can be a minefield especially if you have little or no starting references; take the stress away and speak to one of the HP Team and we can start building your wellbeing programme today.

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