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Health and wellbeing over the summer – nutrition with a barbie

With summer finally rolling into gear this week, the smell of the BBQ will no doubt be wafting gloriously through the air near you. Now we all know that a healthy balanced diet is a key ingredient in maintaining optimal health and wellbeing, so why not try some of the following tips to make your next barbie a healthier one.

BBQ over lower heat
When cooking at very high temperatures, the meat can produce greater amounts of carcinogens, which are harmful chemicals that can increase some forms of cancer.  Cooking at lower temperatures also can ensure that the meat gets cooked the whole way through, rather than charring the outside to a crisp before you get a chance to cook the middle thoroughly, which helps reduce the risk of food poisoning.
Studies from the University of Porto have shown too that marinating your meats before cooking can reduce the amount of carcinogens produced by around 40%.  Try some of these healthy marinades …
Choosing leaner meats
When grabbing your burgers and sausages for the cook up, why not also try and include some of the leaner types of meats that contain lower amounts of unhealthy saturated fats (and also calories). Healthier options include chicken and fish dishes. Try some chicken skewers with peppers and onion, or grill some fish with some chili, garlic and lemon for a nutrient rich dish. For more ideas have a look at …
Load up on your greens

Health and Wellbeing - Vegetables on the barbie
Health and Wellbeing – Vegetables on the barbie

Get creative with your side options, a great way to balance out your plate with plenty of fresh salads bursting with flavor and nutrition. Make use of the fresh summer fruits to mix in for that extra kick – a great tasty option like a rocket, mango and avocado salad for example is a quick and easy one to whip up. Why not check out some ideas at
Include some healthy snacks and nibbles as well such as carrot and celery sticks, fruit skewers, hummus or tzatziki dip, or unsalted nut mixes to bulk up the nutrient density instead of just crisps and cheese options.

If looking to keep an eye on your alcohol units as well whilst enjoying your barbie, try alternating between an alcoholic and non-alcoholic option; or choose a lower strength drink or opt for smaller bottles of beer of cider versus the larger varieties. If going to be out in the sun for a while, keep some water handy as well to stay hydrated throughout the day. Mixing up some fruit mocktails are another great way to have a refreshing cold drink without adding more units to your weekly total!

Healthy Performance can provide your organisation with innovative workshops based around nutrition in the workplace to help support businesses throughout the UK to improve their employees’ health and wellbeing to boost productivity and reduce absenteeism in the workplace.  For further information, please feel free to call a member of the HP Team on 01295 230120 or contact us here.


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