Traditionally, when most of us think about health in the workplace, we tend to consider just ‘health and safety’, for example, minimising physical risks.
Whilst conventional health issues, such as noise and chemical hazards are still vitally important, the conventional thinking on health in the workplace has changed. A growing concern with a good work-life balance has also made us challenge our relationship with our jobs and our wellbeing.
There can be little doubt that work can have a positive impact on our health and wellbeing. It gives many of us in the UK a sense of self-esteem, comradeship and a sense of belonging. On the other side of the coin having healthy and well-motivated employees will have an equally positive impact on the productivity and effectiveness of any business.
The benefits of promoting a healthy workplace are massive for employers and employees; healthy and motivated workers are more likely to ‘go that extra mile’, give great customer service, take fewer sickies and provide creativity and commitment.
If you’d like to research this issue further including links to independent reports then, check out our section Why Employee Wellbeing?